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Enrol your child with Wonder Kidz

If you need an educator:

If you are looking for an Educator who can provide care and education to your child, we can help you find the right person. Our Educators provide childcare in their own home with a maximum of four children under the age of 6 years old. Before working with children, the educator’s home environment will be thoroughly checked to ensure it meets the Ministry of Education Licensing requirements. The Educator as an independent contractor will charge her own fees for the hours she provided care and education to your child. You can discuss the rate with the Educator when we organise you to meet each other.

If you already have an Educator:

If you already have someone look after your child and if he/she is happy to get support from us to be an Educator. Then:

if this person is a family member, he/she will need to live in a separate address from the child unless she/he looks after another child who is not a family member.

if this person is not a family member, she can live with you while looking after your child.

Grandparents, Aunties,Uncles, friends, neighbours and nannies can all become Educators as long as they meet our requirements.

If the person who is looking after your child at a regular basis for more than 18 hours per week (6 hours per day), we will be happy to have him/her join us. We will visit the house and check for the environment to ensure it meets the Ministry of Education licensing requirements. We will also go through a identity check and a police vet before the Educator start working with us.

When you are enrolled,

If the Educator does not know your child, before your child starts, our visiting teacher will organise a time to settle your child with the educator. This settling in period will ensure your child feels safe and secure with the Educator. When your child starts, you educator will use a Daily Communication Diary to inform you about what your child has been up to each day. A Learning Portfolio which documents your child’s learning interests and achievements will also be provided by our experienced qualified visiting teacher after each monthly visit. Our visiting teacher will also make an Individual Development Plan based on the Educator’s feedback about your child’s learning. 

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